Join Us
Now is a great time to enquire about joining South Oxfordshire Choir. Our last big concert, The Poetry of Music, was a huge success and we are now preparing for our next concert Sir John Rutter's Requiem.
Rehearsals are held on Mondays at St Mary-le-More Church in Wallingford, at 8pm. Music will be provided when you arrive.
If you would like more details, or just a chat about joining, please email with your phone number, and we’ll get in touch, or fill in your details below.

Special Offer Try us First
Joining any new group can be a big decision.
We give new members the chance to try us out for three rehearsals before committing to join.
After that we will ask you to pay a modest subscription to cover the costs of our Music Director and accompanist, concert musicians and soloists, and venue hire. In 2023-4 our subs are £180 for the year, or two instalments of £90, or monthly standing order payments of £15. Subscriptions to the choir are Gift Aid-able, so we can claim back the tax paid at no extra cost to you.