The Choir performing The Poetry of Music in St Mary-le-More, Wallingford, June 2024
Experienced singer or newcomer: we're the choir for you!
Remember how you loved singing at school? Are you keen to find your voice once again?
Or have you caught the singing bug more recently? Are you looking for a friendly place to build up your confidence?
South Oxfordshire Choir might be the answer. We’re a friendly bunch, with different levels of ability, performing all kinds of music from major choral works to musicals and lighter works.
We want to make South Oxfordshire Choir the go-to place for people who love to sing.
So why not give us a go…and see if we’re right for you. We offer three free sessions so you can try us out before you join!
As one of our choir recently said we are an "Extremely welcoming group of people - rehearsals are fun while developing our abilities."
Crawford Wiley sets our music direction
A good choir heavily depends on its musical leader for success. We’re delighted to introduce you to our Music Director, Crawford Wiley.
Crawford, a native of Florida, took his Master's in Sacred Music from the University of Notre Dame, studying organ with Professor Emeritus Dr Craig Cramer, and conducting with the late Dr Carmen-Helena Téllez.
Before beginning his current post as a bass lay clerk in the choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, he served for seven years as the Director of Liturgy and Music at St Jude the Apostle in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. During this time, Crawford was a member of the vocal ensemble Aperi Animam, as well as the Milwaukee Chamber Choir and the Chant Claire Chamber Choir. Since his move to Oxford in 2021 he has sung with the Oxford Schola Cantorum, the Delius Singers and the Oxford Oratory Choir, and plays continuo for the Basilinda Consort. When not sorting music as the choir librarian at Christ Church, he enjoys baking, reading and poking around churches.
Crawford joined us in 2023 leading us in a delightful selection of part songs for our concert Songs of Summer. Our Christmas concert in 2023 was a mix of well-known and not so well-known Advent and Christmas carols.
Then in February 2024 we performed Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle in St Mary's Wallingford. Judging by the faces of the choir and the praise of the audience, we can safely say this was one of our best concerts ever. Thank you to our excellent soloists, Anne Light on piano, Benjamin Sheen on organ and, of course, to Crawford for his patience, encouragement and enthusiasm during rehearsals and on the night.
If you love Rutter, come and hear our next concert

When and where do we meet?
We sing every Monday from 8 to 9.30 pm, preparing for our regular concerts. We are now rehearsing Rutter's Requiem for our February 2025 performance.
You can find us easily at St Mary-le-More Church, Wallingford.
Please see Our Next Concerts for more details - including advance notice about our next big concert to celebrate the Choir's 30th anniversary - Brahms Requiem, to be performed in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, on 16 August 2025.

Our rehearsal and concert venue in Wallingford

Anne Light, our talented pianist